(; GM[1] SZ[19] AW[dc][cp] AB[pp][pd] LB[pd:1][dc:2][cp:4][pp:3] C[Problem 37. Black to play. When White makes this komoku formation on the left side with 2 and 4, from which side should Black approach ? ] ;B[ep] TE[2] C[Correct Answer. The high approach of Black 1 in the lower left corner works best with Black's niren-sei formation on the right. ] ;W[eq];B[fq];W[dq] (;B[fp];W[cn] C[If the joseki to White 6 is played, ... ] ;B[jp] LB[pj:B][de:A] C[... Black makes an ideal extension to 7 at the bottom. A corner enclosure at White A would now seem natural, but Black would make a sanren-sei with B, so ... ] ;W[qn] C[... White plays 8 to prevent this. ] ;B[ql];W[qq];B[pq];W[qp];B[po];W[rn];B[om] C[Still, Black gets a moyo at the bottom when he plays 15. <= ] ) (;B[gp] C[Variation. In this game, White answered Black 5 ... ] ;W[dn] C[... with 6, so ... ] ;B[pj] C[... Black switched to the right side, making a sanren-sei with 7. ] ;W[nq] C[White then approaches with 8, but ... ] ;B[lq] C[... Black 9 became an ideal move, being both a pincer and an extension from his stones on the left. <= ] ) )