(; GM[1] SZ[19] AW[dd][jd][nc][dp][po][qq][no][pr] AB[pd][pf][pk][pq][jp][np][mo][qr] LB[no:1][mo:2][qq:3][qr:4][pr:5] C[Problem 35. Black to play. This time Black has played the high Chinese opening. How should Black counter White's attempt to make sabaki with the sequence to 5 ? ] (;B[oq] TE[2] C[Correct Answer. Drawing back with 1 is a powerful move here. ] ;W[rr];B[qp];W[rq];B[pp];W[or];B[nr];W[mq];B[nq];W[rp];B[qo] C[The sequence to Black 11 will follow. Black gets a thick position in the center, while White gets some territory in the corner. <= ] ) (;B[or] C[Failure. The atari of Black 1 is just what White wants. ] ;W[oq] C[White will respond with 2 ... ] ;B[ps];W[nq] C[... and 4. ] ;B[op] C[If Black next plays 5, ... ] ;W[pp] TR[no][mo] C[... White plays 6. The exchange of the marked stones has now become bad for Black. <= ] ) (;B[qp] C[Failure. Playing atari from the other side with Black 1 is also bad. ] ;W[oq];B[rq];W[pp];B[qq];W[op] C[After the sequence to White 6, Black's moyo has been ripped apart. <= ] ) )