(; GM[1] SZ[19] AW[dd][dj][dp][pf][md][nc][oc][qb] AB[jp][jd][pd][pe][nd][ne][pj][pp] C[Problem 30. Black to play. Black has made a sanren-sei on the right side and occupied both star points in the middle of the upper and lower sides. What is Black's best move in this position ? ] (;B[me] TR[jd] TE[2] C[Correct Answer. Black should push along the fifth line, forcing White in the direction of the marked stone. All of Black's stones are now working together harmoniously. ] ;W[ld] C[If White 2, ... ] ;B[le] C[... Black continues to press White with 3. ] ;W[nq] C[If White next approaches with 4, ... ] ;B[no] LB[kd:C][mb:B][lb:A] C[... Black 5 builds a magnificent moyo on the right side . Moreover, Black still threatens White with the sequence Black A - White B - Black C. <= ] ) (;B[np] C[Failure. If Black plays somewhere else, such as at 1, ... ] ;W[me] C[... White will seize the initiative at the top with 2 ... ] ;B[og];W[gd] TR[jd] C[... and 4. The marked black stone is now under a severe attack. <= ] ) )