EVENT BOARDSIZE 19 SETUP W D16 K16 O17 D4 Q5 R4 R3 Q7 SETUP B Q16 Q14 Q9 Q3 K4 O4 R2 S2 MARK 1@Q7 COM Problem 27. Black to play. This time White has tried a different tack by jumping along the fourth line with 1. What should Black do ? ENDCOM B 1 F3 MARK C@R9 B@O7 A@O9 USER CORRECT ANSWER ENDUSER COM Correct Answer. Black doesn't really have a convincing attack against the four white stones on the right. If he jumps to A, White will follow him out by jumping to B. Black's best move is to make an 'iron pillar' at C. However, White doesn't have any convincing moves here either. Therefore, it is best for Black to leave the situation as it is and switch to the left side by approaching with Black 1. <= ENDCOM