(; GM[1] SZ[19] AW[dd][dp][nc][oc][pc][qc] AB[pp][pj][pd][qd][od][kd] TR[nc] C[Problem 26. Black to play. White has just played the marked stone. Taking in account his sanren-sei formation on the right side, where should Black play next ? ] (;B[nd] C[There is no other move for Black except to block at 1. Confining White to the top is absolutely essential in the sanren-sei strategy. ] ;W[md] C[White resists with 2 ... ] ;B[me];W[le] C[... and 4 to get some aji in the center. ] ;B[ld];W[mc];B[mf] C[With Black 7, the joseki comes to a pause. ] ;W[nq] C[White 8 is now the most natural move. <= ] ) (;B[jp] C[Failure. Black 1 is certainly a big point and Black would like to play there first, but ... ] ;W[nd] TR[kd] C[... White will turn at 2 and the marked stone at the top will be isolated from its allies on the right. Moreover, the three black stones to the right of 2 are now heavy because they are short of liberties. <= ] ) (;B[me] LB[nd:@] C[In the right direction. Black 1 here is in the right direction, but it is not as tight as a move at @ in the Correct Answer. <= ] ) )