(; GM[1] SZ[19] AW[dc][cd][ce][cf][dp] AB[de][dd][ec][pd][pp] LB[de:1][dd:3][ec:5][ce:2][cd:4][cf:6] C[Problem 25. Black to play. In response to White 2, Black 3 and 5 are large-scale strategic moves which work well with Black's niren-sei on the right. What should Black do after White 6 ? ] ;B[pj] TE[2] C[Correct Answer. Making a sanren-sei on the side with 1 is strategically an interesting move. ] ;W[db] C[If White fortifies her corner territory with 2, ... ] ;B[jd] C[... Black will take another star point at the top with 3. (See Get Strong at Joseki 1, Problem 105.) <= ] ) )