(; GM[1] SZ[19] AW[dd][jd][nc][qq][qp][po][pn][qm][om][dp][dn] AB[pd][pf][qk][pq][qr][rr][pl][on][nn][np][jp][fq] LB[pl:1] C[Problem 23. White to play. There is a proverb which says 'Only a fool neglects to connect against a peep.' But what about in this case ? Should White connect against the peep of Black 1 or is there something else she should do ? ] (;W[rk] LB[pm:A] TE[2] C[Correct Answer. Connecting at A is certainly an important move, but before doing so, White should play 1 ... ] ;B[rj];W[rl] C[... and 3, ... ] ;B[qj];W[pm] C[... then connect at 5. In this way, White creates a base for her stones and Black's subsequent attack against them will not be so severe. <= ] ) (;W[pm] C[Failure. Blindly following the proverb by connecting at 1 is bad. ] ;B[rl] C[Black plays 2 and White's stones are rootless, so they will have to run away into the center. <= ] ) )