(; GM[1] SZ[19] AW[dc][fc][cd][ce][cm][dp][em][jp][nq][no] AB[de][cf][dg][ck][ek][pd][pj][pp][pn][nd] C[Problem 22. Black to play. This game has become a contest of moyos. Where should Black play ? ] (;B[nm] LB[pl:A] TE[2] C[Correct Answer. Black 1 is the focal point of the white and black moyos, expanding Black's moyo and reducing White's. Moreover, this move defends against a white invasion at A. ] ;W[lc] C[White 2 is the last big point, but ... ] ;B[ge] C[... Black finishes up the fuseki with 3 ... ] ;W[hd];B[qe] C[... and 5, solidifying his moyos on the left and the right. <= ] ) (;B[qe] C[Failure. If Black rushes to make territory at the top with 1, ... ] ;W[nm] C[... White will exchange 2 ... ] ;B[pl] C[... for Black 3, ... ] ;W[eq] C[... then solidify her moyo with 4. The scale of White's moyo is now quite satisfactory. <= ] ) )