(; GM[1] SZ[19] AW[dc][dp][cm][cd][ce][fc] AB[pd][pp][de][cf][dg][ck] LB[de:1][cd:4][ce:2][cf:3][dg:5][fc:6][ck:7][cm:8] C[Problem 21. Black to play. If Black plays the joseki to 7, how should he respond to White 8 ? ] (;B[ek] LB[ch:A] TE[2] C[Correct Answer. White is threatening to invade at A, so Black should defend his position on the left side by jumping to 1. ] ;W[qj] LB[ql:B][qh:B] C[White would then invade at 2. From this position, Black would play one of the points marked B and a joseki which involves the whole right side would be put in motion. (See Get Strong at Joseki 3, Joseki 9.) <= ] ) (;B[pj] C[Failure. It is tempting to make a sanren-sei on the right side with 1, but ... ] ;W[ch] C[... in that case White would invade at 2 and ... ] ;B[bg];W[dj];B[cj];W[ci];B[bi];W[bh];B[ah];W[bj];B[ai];W[dk];B[bk];W[cl] TR[fc] C[... make thickness with the sequence to 14. This thickness and White's marked stone now serve to diminish the power of the sanren-sei formation on the right side. <= ] ) )