(; GM[1] SZ[19] AW[dc][oc][qo] AB[qd][qk][pq][cp] LB[qk:1] TR[qd] C[Problem 20. White to play. Black neglects to reinforce his marked stone and pincers at 1. How should White counter this mistake ? ] ;W[pe] TE[2] C[Correct Answer. White should press Black with 1 ... ] ;B[qe];W[pf] C[... and 3. ] ;B[qg] C[Black's position on the right side is now rather flat. ] ;W[qf] C[White can continue with the forcing sequence from 5 ... ] ;B[rf];W[rg];B[rh];W[pg];B[qh];W[re];B[sg];W[qc] C[... to 13. ] ;B[rd] TR[qk] C[The marked black stone is now too close to his thick position above, so his stones are overconcentrated. <= ] ) )