EVENT BOARDSIZE 19 SETUP W D17 P17 R5 SETUP B R16 R9 Q3 C4 MARK 1@R9 \t@R16 COM Problem 20. White to play. Black neglects to reinforce his marked stone and pincers at 1. How should White counter this mistake ? ENDCOM W 1 Q15 USER CORRECT ANSWER ENDUSER COM Correct Answer. White should press Black with 1 ... ENDCOM B 2 R15 W 3 Q14 COM ... and 3. ENDCOM B 4 R13 COM Black's position on the right side is now rather flat. ENDCOM W 5 R14 COM White can continue with the forcing sequence from 5 ... ENDCOM B 6 S14 W 7 S13 B 8 S12 W 9 Q13 B 10 R12 W 11 S15 B 12 T13 W 13 R17 COM ... to 13. ENDCOM B 14 S16 MARK \t@R9 COM The marked black stone is now too close to his thick position above, so his stones are overconcentrated. <= ENDCOM