(; GM[1] SZ[19] AW[dd][jd][nc][dp][dn][qm][po][qp][qq] AB[pd][pf][qk][pq][fq][jp][np][qr][rr] LB[qm:1] TR[qk] C[Problem 19. Black to play. This time Black has played the low Chinese opening. How should Black continue after White 1 ? ] (;B[nn] TE[2] C[Correct Answer. Jumping to 1 is Black's best move. ] ;W[om] C[White will jump out into the center with 2, but ... ] ;B[on] C[... Black will harass White by forcing with 3 ... ] ;W[pn];B[pl] C[... and peeping at 5. <= ] ) (;B[ok] C[Failure. Black 1 doesn't put much pressure on White. ] ;W[rk] C[White will play 2 ... ] ;B[rj];W[rl] C[... and 4, easily securing a base for her stones on the right side. <= ] ) )