EVENT BOARDSIZE 19 SETUP W D16 K16 O17 D4 O3 O5 Q2 SETUP B Q16 Q14 L4 Q4 Q6 R3 Q10 MARK A@L2 7@L4 4@D4 2@D16 14@K16 12@O17 1@Q16 13@Q14 5@Q10 9@Q6 MARK 3@Q4 11@R3 8@O5 6@O3 10@Q2 COM Problem 18. Black to play. After Black 11, White has neglected to complete the joseki by sliding to A. How should Black punish White for this omission ? ENDCOM B 1 N4 USER CORRECT ANSWER ENDUSER COM Correct Answer. Black should peep with 1 ... ENDCOM VAR B 1 C10 COM Failure. Black would like to establish a presence on the left by playing at 1, but ... ENDCOM W 2 L2 COM ... White would then be able to settle her stones at the bottom by sliding to 2. <= ENDCOM ENDVAR W 2 O4 B 3 N3 COM ... and rob White of her eye shape with 3. ENDCOM W 4 O2 COM If White descends to 4, ... ENDCOM VAR W 4 H4 COM If White 4 here, ... ENDCOM B 5 O2 COM ... Black will hane at 5, leaving the white stones eyeless and under a severe attack. <= ENDCOM ENDVAR B 5 G3 COM ... Black will take up a position at the bottom by extending to 5. <= ENDCOM