(; GM[1] SZ[19] AW[dd][dj][dp][nc][kb][ne][pb] AB[pp][pj][pd][jp][kd][pf][qc] LB[nc:1][kd:2][ne:3][pf:4][pb:5][qc:6][kb:7] C[Problem 14. Black to play. In this sanren-sei opening, Black makes a high two-space pincer with 2. The joseki to White 7 follows. Where should Black play next ? ] (;B[ng] TE[2] C[Correct Answer. Capping with Black 1 is absolutely essential. Black has now transformed his sanren-sei formation into a large-scale moyo. ] ;W[fq] TR[ng] C[Black's aim. If White doesn't respond to the marked stone but plays 2 at the bottom, ... ] ;B[md] C[... Black can force with 3, ... ] ;W[nd];B[lg] LB[jb:A] C[... then jump to 5. Black can next aim at A. Black's sanren-sei strategy is now a success. <= ] ) (;B[fq] C[Failure. Clearly, Black 1 is a good point locally, but ... ] ;W[ng] LB[ph:B][pn:A][fq:1] C[... White will take the vital point of 2, and Black's stone at the top is drifting in the shadow of White's influence. For the same reason, Black 1 at A is also bad. After 2, White can aim at the invasion at B. <= ] ) )