(; GM[1] SZ[19] AW[dd][dp][nc] AB[pp][pj][pd][ld] LB[lc:A] TR[ld] C[Problem 10. White to play. Instead of the usual low pincer at A, Black has pincered on the fourth line with the marked stone. How should White respond ? ] (;W[ne] LB[nd:A] TE[2] C[Correct Answer. Black is threatening to shut White out of the center with A. Therefore, jumping to White 1 is essential. ] ;B[pf] C[After Black 2, ... ] ;W[pb];B[qc];W[lb] LB[pb:3] C[... White settles her stones with 3 and 5. <= ] ) (;W[qc] C[Failure. Invading with 1 may be possible in some positions, but here, with Black's sanren-sei formation in place, it is a bad move. ] ;B[qd];W[pc];B[od];W[oc];B[nd];W[mc];B[md] C[Up to 8, Black gets a thick wall without any defects. Compare this with the result when Black makes the low pincer, as in the Correct Answer of Problem 2. <= ] ) )