(; GM[1] SZ[19] AW[dc][fc][cd][ce][cl][dp] AB[cf][df][de][dj][pd][pp] LB[dj:1][cl:2] C[Problem 9. Black to play. In response to Black 1, White has extended to 2, attacking the weak underbelly of Black's position. With the whole board in mind, where should Black play his next move ? ] (;B[pj] TE[2] C[Correct Answer. Instead of defending his stones on the left side, Black makes the sanren-sei formation on the right side with 1. ] ;W[ch] C[Black now welcomes the invasion of White 2 ... ] ;B[dh];W[ci];B[di];W[cj];B[dk] C[... because the thickness he builds with the sequence to 7 words very well with the influence of his three stones on the right. <= ] ) (;B[cj] C[Failure. Black is thinking on a small scale if he defends at 1. ] ;W[qj] C[White will immediately take the big point on the right side with 2. <= ] ) )