(; GM[1] SZ[19] AW[dd][dp][jd][nc] AB[pd][pf][pk][pq] LB[nc:1][pf:2][jd:3] C[Problem 7. Black to play. How should Black play after White extends to 3 ? ] (;B[jp] TE[2] C[Correct Answer. Black's aim in playing the Chinese opening is both to take territory and to make a moyo. Therefore, Black extends to 1, mapping out a moyo in the lower right. <= ] ) (;B[cj] C[Too flat. Black 1 is contrary to the spirit of the Chinese opening. ] ;W[jp] C[White will extend to 2 and Black's formation on the right side is too flat. <= ] ) (;B[fq] C[A little unsatisfactory. No one can say that the approach move of Black 1 is bad, but ... ] ;W[jp] LB[cn:A][dn:B][cq:C] C[... White will pincer with 2 and, whether Black plays A, B, or C next, he must give up any hope of building a moyo. <= ] ) )