(; GM[1] SZ[19] AW[dd][dp][nq][qq] AB[cj][lq][pp][pd] LB[pj:A][nq:1][lq:2][qq:3] TR[cj] C[Problem 6. Black to play. Instead of making a sanren-sei at A, Black has played the marked stone. When White plays 3, in which direction should Black block ? ] (;B[pq] TE[2] C[Correct Answer. Blocking from the left side with Black 1 is the correct direction. ] ;W[qp];B[po];W[pr];B[or];W[qr];B[oq];W[qn] C[The sequence to White 8 is a joseki. Even though White has taken profit, Black is happy with his thickness. Moreover, he still retains sente. <= ] ) (;B[qp] C[Failure. If Black does not have a stone in the middle of the right side, he should not block from above ... ] ;W[pq];B[op];W[nr];B[mo] C[... and play this joseki ... ] ;W[qj] C[... because White 6 eases the influence of Black's wall below. <= ] ) )