(; GM[1] SZ[19] AW[dc][fc][cd][ce][dp] AB[de][df][cf][pd][pp] LB[dp:4][pd:1][pp:3][dc:2][de:5][ce:6][cf:7][cd:8][df:9][fc:10] C[Problem 5. Black to play. After the sequence to White 8, 9 is the usual way for Black to play. After White settles her position at the top with 10, where should Black play ? ] ;B[dj] TE[2] C[Correct Answer. Black should play the high extension at 1. ] (;W[qj] C[If White plays 2 on the right side, ... ] ;B[cn] C[... the approach move at 3 gives Black an ideal position on the left side. <= ] ) (;W[cl] C[Variation. White could also strike at Black's weak underbelly by extending to 2. Although this seems to be a severe move, Black has adequate countermeasures. <= ] ) )