(; GM[1] SZ[19] AW[dd][dp] AB[pd][pk][pq] LB[dd:2][dp:4][pd:1][pk:5][pq:3] C[Problem 3. White to play. Black has played the high version of the Chinese opening with 5. How should White respond to this move ? ] (;W[jp] TE[2] C[Correct Answer. White 1 and ... ] ;B[jd];W[dj] LB[po:B][qf:A][jp:1] C[... 3 are the standard responses. It is not a good idea for White to play 1 at A or B without any preparatory moves. Whether Black has played the low ore high version of the Chinese opening, White 1 is still the correct move. <= ] ) (;W[nc] TE[2] C[Correct Answer. White 1 is also possible. ] ;B[pf] C[In response, Black will respond with 2. ] ;W[jd] C[White will then play on the side star point with 3. <= ] ) )