EVENT BOARDSIZE 19 SETUP W K17 O17 O15 SETUP B D16 H17 M17 Q16 Q14 MARK @@K15 1@O15 COM Reference Diagram to Problem 4. Black to play. Instead of @ in Problem 4, White jumps out from the other side with 1. ENDCOM B 1 L16 USER CORERECT ANSWER ENDUSER COM Correct Answer. Black plays 2, attacking the white stone on the left. <= ENDCOM EVENT BOARDSIZE 19 SETUP W K17 O16 SETUP B D16 F17 Q15 R17 R10 COM Reference Diagram to Problem 11. White to play. Where should White play in the upper right corner ? ENDCOM W 1 Q17 MARK A@M17 COM Correct Answer. To appreciate just how big Black's invasion at A is, suppose White played 1 ... ENDCOM B 2 Q16 W 3 P17 COM ... and 3 first. ENDCOM B 4 R18 W 5 O14 COM After 5, White has a large territory at the top and she is also threatening to invade the right side. <= ENDCOM EVENT BOARDSIZE 19 SETUP W K17 M18 N17 O17 M16 SETUP B D16 H17 L18 N18 M17 Q16 Q14 MARK 1@N18 3@L18 2@N17 4@M16 @@O18 COM Reference Diagram to Problem 16. Black to play. White 4 instead of @ is the usual variation. ENDCOM B 1 L17 USER CORERECT ANSWER ENDUSER COM Correct Answer. ENDCOM W 2 L16 B 3 K18 W 4 O18 COM After White 4 and ... ENDCOM B 5 Q18 MARK A@O15 COM ... Black 5 are exchanged, White must think about completing her shape with a move at A. <= ENDCOM EVENT BOARDSIZE 19 SETUP W K17 O15 P15 P17 Q16 SETUP B D16 H17 M15 M17 Q15 R16 P14 MARK 1@Q16 @@Q14 COM Reference Diagram to Problem 17. Black to play. White plays peacefully at 1 instead of @. ENDCOM B 1 R15 USER CORERECT ANSWER ENDUSER COM Correct Answer. ENDCOM W 2 O14 B 3 P13 W 4 R17 B 5 S17 W 6 R18 MARK A@K15 COM It would be prudent for White to settle her stones with the moves to 6. Black can now aim at A, again dominating the top left. <= ENDCOM EVENT BOARDSIZE 19 SETUP W O17 Q18 L17 SETUP B D16 G17 R17 Q16 Q14 MARK 3@L17 2@R17 1@Q18 COM Reference Diagram to Problem 34. Sliding to 1 and extending two spaces to 3 is joseki. If White wants to extend three spaces, she should not exchange 1 for Black 2. <= ENDCOM EVENT BOARDSIZE 19 SETUP W C14 H17 H15 O17 SETUP B D16 F16 F14 L16 Q16 Q14 R10 MARK @@L14 COM Reference Diagram to Problem 47. White to play. What is White's alternative to the capping move of @ ? ENDCOM W 1 O15 USER CORERECT ANSWER ENDUSER COM Correct Answer. Since the capping move is unreasonable, White has no choice but to jump to 1, ... ENDCOM B 2 L14 COM ... letting Black take the key point of 2. <= ENDCOM EVENT BOARDSIZE 19 SETUP W C14 H17 H15 O17 O15 R12 L15 SETUP B D16 F16 F14 Q16 Q14 L17 P13 MARK \t@L17 3@L15 2@P13 1@O15 COM Reference Diagram to Problem 50. In this situation, if Black invaded deeply with the marked stone, Black has no effective moves to rescue this stone after White 3. <= ENDCOM EVENT BOARDSIZE 19 SETUP W C16 E17 H17 C12 R10 M15 SETUP B C10 K17 K15 Q17 R17 R15 M17 MARK 1@M15 2@M17 COM Reference Diagram to Problem 75. Erasing Black's moyo with White 1 is also bad. Black solidifies the territory at the top with 2. <= ENDCOM EVENT BOARDSIZE 19 SETUP W D17 C15 C12 K17 N17 SETUP B C10 R17 R14 P17 H17 MARK 1@H17 \t@P17 COM Reference Diagram to Problem 157. If Black had the marked stone in place, then an invasion at 1might be playable, since it attacks the two white stones on the right. <= ENDCOM EVENT BOARDSIZE 19 SETUP W C17 D16 F16 L17 O17 Q18 K4 D4 F4 P9 SETUP B R17 Q16 Q14 R9 Q3 M4 C6 C11 C14 B16 Q11 MARK 2@Q11 1@P9 COM Reference Diagram to Problem 165. White to play. Black 2 in answer to the white capping move of 1 is possible, too. What should White do now ? ENDCOM W 1 R3 MARK \t@Q11 USER CORERECT ANSWER ENDUSER COM Correct Answer. Responding the white cap with the marked black stone is also possible, but now White 1 ... ENDCOM B 2 R4 W 3 Q4 COM ... and 3 become powerful moves. ENDCOM B 4 P3 COM If Black plays 6, Black has fallen into White's trap. ENDCOM W 5 R8 B 6 Q8 W 7 Q9 B 8 R10 COM The sequence continues up to Black 8, and then ... ENDCOM W 9 R7 B 10 P8 W 11 R5 B 12 S4 W 13 P4 B 14 R2 W 15 S5 B 16 S3 W 17 O8 MARK \t@R4 \t@Q8 COM ... the moves to White 17 follow. White has driven a wedge of territory between the two marked black stones. This is a big turnaround from before White invaded; it was Black who then dominated this side of the board. <= ENDCOM