EVENT BOARDSIZE 19 SETUP W C17 D16 F17 C12 C8 C6 D4 E3 R17 Q17 O17 O18 L4 M4 N4 O3 SETUP B B16 C14 E14 D11 C10 E8 M17 N15 P16 Q16 R16 Q10 Q4 Q6 N5 M5 K6 MARK 5@K6 4@M4 3@M5 2@N4 1@N5 COM Problem 169. White to play. Black maps out a huge moyo with the moves to 5. The way you counter it must be considered carefully. Do you go in lightly or with a bang ? ENDCOM W 1 R8 USER CORRECT ANSWER ENDUSER COM Correct Answer. Jumping in with White 1 was chosen because there was every expectation that White could live on the right side by playing this move. ENDCOM VAR W 1 R5 USER CORRECT ANSWER ENDUSER COM Correct Answer. It is also possible to play 1 here, and it would not be easy to kill this stone. <= ENDCOM ENDVAR VAR W 1 L10 COM Failure. If White wanted to make an erasing move, White 1 would be a good guess. ENDCOM B 2 N10 COM Black would respond by playing 2 and White's stone seems to be a little out of focus. It is always a perplexing problem to decide whether to erase or invade. You have to consider the distribution of stones, which stones are weak, the scale of the moyo, etc., in making your decision. <= ENDCOM ENDVAR B 2 Q8 COM If Black attaches with 2, ... ENDCOM VAR B 2 R10 MARK 1@R8 COM Variation. If Black defends with 2, White will look on 1 as a probe ... ENDCOM W 3 M9 COM ... and play 3. <= ENDCOM ENDVAR VAR B 2 R9 COM The actual game. In the actual game, Black attacked with 2. ENDCOM W 3 P9 COM White 3, escaping lightly, is a skilful move. ENDCOM B 4 O5 W 5 Q7 MARK 1@R8 COM The stones at 1 and 5 will probably sacrificed. ENDCOM B 6 R6 W 7 P10 B 8 P11 W 9 O11 B 10 Q9 W 11 O12 B 12 Q12 W 13 P14 B 14 R14 W 15 L12 MARK 5@Q7 1@R8 COM They should be considered as decoys while White goes about the main business of erasing Black's moyo with the moves up to 15. <= ENDCOM ENDVAR W 3 R9 B 4 Q9 W 5 S6 B 6 R10 W 7 R5 B 8 Q5 W 9 R3 COM ... up to White 9, Black gets a strong wall on the outside. But White is not dissatisfied with the territory she has gotten on the right. What is worrisome is the blackness that pervades the center of the board. White has two ways into the center. ENDCOM B 10 G16 COM Black blocks one of then by pressing with 10 ... ENDCOM W 11 G17 B 12 H16 COM ... and 12. ENDCOM W 13 J7 COM However, White can still come in with 13, so she is satisfied. <= ENDCOM