EVENT BOARDSIZE 19 SETUP W C18 D18 C17 C15 C14 B15 A14 B13 F17 F16 F15 Q17 Q15 R10 Q4 K4 SETUP B B12 C13 D14 D15 D16 D17 E17 E18 G16 G18 J16 M16 M13 E3 C4 D10 COM Problem 166. White to play. How should White play ? Aim at the cutting points on the left side ? Pull out the three stones within Black's moyo ? Is there some other overall strategy ? ENDCOM W 1 M11 MARK A@M10 USER CORRECT ANSWER ENDUSER COM Correct Answer. If White did nothing, a two-space jump at Black A would be a marvellous move. Therefore, White must stop Black somewhere along this line, and the cap of White 1 is the vital point in this battle of moyos. ENDCOM VAR W 1 F13 COM Failure. A move like 1, where White tries to pull his stones out of the pit of Black's moyo, ... ENDCOM B 2 G11 COM ... is a losing strategy. <= ENDCOM ENDVAR VAR W 1 Q3 COM Failure. Locally, White 1 is a big move, but ... ENDCOM B 2 M10 COM ... in this game Black 2 is so big that White must first deal with is before anything else. <= ENDCOM ENDVAR B 2 K12 COM If Black 2, ... ENDCOM W 3 K10 COM ... White continues with 3 and White is following a winning grand strategy. <= ENDCOM