(; GM[1] SZ[19] AW[cc][dd][fd][kc][nc][pb][jp][dp][fp] AB[qc][pd][pf][qk][pq][lp][cn][bd][cf][ci] LB[lp:1] C[Problem 163. White to play. Black has played 1, expanding the moyo he has made from the Chinese Opening and defying White to invade. How should White attack ? ] (;W[ok] TE[2] C[Correct Answer. Lightly capping with White 1 is the correct strategy. It flattens Black's moyo ... ] ;B[pm] C[... since he must answer at 2. There is still aji left in the corner. <= ] ) (;W[po] C[Failure. White 1 leaves something to be desired. ] ;B[qp] C[After Black 2, White must worry about being attacked. ] (;W[ok] C[If White now caps at 3, ... ] ;B[ol] C[... Black attaches at 4. ] ;W[nl];B[pl];W[nk];B[nm];W[mm];B[mn] LB[po:1] C[After the sequence to Black 10, White 1 has become a wasted move. <= ] ) (;W[bp] C[Failure. Locally, White 1 is an excellent move, but one of the strategic principles of Go is 'never let your opponent perfect his moyo.' ] ;B[ok] C[This is exactly what Black does when he jumps to 2. Black's moyo is now very large and solid and Black has taken a commanding lead. <= ] ) (;W[pm] C[If White jumps to 3 here, ... ] ;B[ok] C[... Black jumps to 4, making a moyo at the top and leaving the two white stones below under attack. <= ] )) )