(; GM[1] SZ[19] AW[do][cp][dq][dr][pk][on][pn][po][pp][oq][qq][qr][qe][pe][pg][og][pc][fc][ic] AB[cc][dd][df][cj][cm][eq][ep][gp][kq][rq][qp][qo][pm][ql][qk][ph][qg][qf] C[Problem 161. Black to play. In this game, White has built up a moyo at the top. How should Black erase it ? ] (;B[jd] TE[2] C[Correct Answer. When you look at the thickness on the right, a light erasing move is what comes in your mind. The shoulder hit of Black 1 is the best move. If you play any deeper, your stone will meet with a severe counterattack, so you cannot expect to reduce White's territory any more than this. ] ;W[jc] C[White answers with 2, ... ] ;B[kd];W[id];B[jf];W[ie];B[lg] C[... and the joseki to Black 7 follows. <= ] ) (;B[je] C[Failure. A light erasing move such as Black 1 is inadequate. ] ;W[kd] C[White is satisfied with the territory she gets after playing 2. <= ] ) (;B[kc] C[Failure. If you think of a deep invasion, Black 1 is the move, but ... ] ;W[jd] LB[je:A] C[... after White 2 or A, Black will come under a severe attack. Black will have to put all his energy into making life on the right. <= ] ) )