(; GM[1] SZ[19] AW[dp][fp][oq][qp][qb][qc][pd][pe][oc][of] AB[dc][ce][dj][cn][pg][pf][qh][qe][qd][rc][kc] C[Problem 160. Black to play. There are a lot of point where you can invade, but any invasion you make should take into account White's thickness on the right. ] (;W[hd] LB[hb:A] TE[2] C[Correct Answer. Playing on the fourth line with White 1 is the best move. With a high move, escaping will be easy. For Black to try to link up at A would be submissive, so it is out of the question. ] (;B[ke] C[Black's best course is to jump out with 2. ] ;W[hf] C[However, White also jumps into the center with 3 ... ] ;B[kg];W[hh] C[... and 5, and Black's moyo is erased. <= ] ) (;B[hf] C[Variation. Black might cap with 2 intending to build a moyo at the top. ] ;W[jd] C[However, White replies with the shoulder hit at 3 and ... ] ;B[kd];W[je];B[ke];W[jf];B[lg];W[jh] LB[hf:2][lg:8][ke:6][kd:4] C[... escapes into the center with the moves to 9. Black's wall of 4, 6, and 8 is now neutralised by White's wall on the right and, with White's thickness in the center, Black 2 has failed to increase the size of his moyo on the left. <= ] )) (;W[ic] C[Failure. A deep invasion with White 1 is dubious. ] (;B[ie];W[jd];B[nd] LB[ie:2] C[After Black 2 and 4, which hit White at her vital points, you will probably agree that the momentum of the game is in Black's favour. ] ;W[ne] LB[nd:4] C[For example, if White answers 4 with 5, ... ] ;B[nc];W[ob];B[me] C[... the sequence will continue up to 8. Black clearly has the advantage. <= ] ) (;W[ee] C[Failure. White 1 here is also a bad move, ... ] ;B[fd] C[... because Black can answer with the knight move at 2, eliminating his thinness on the upper side. <= ] ) (;B[gc] LB[ic:1] C[Variation. Another way for Black to refute White 1 is to play 2 in response. This is a good move because it is in the right direction from the corner enclosure. <= ] )) )