EVENT BOARDSIZE 19 SETUP W D16 D13 C6 D4 K4 O5 O3 O2 P15 SETUP B P3 Q4 Q6 O7 R10 P17 R16 Q15 J16 F17 MARK 2@Q15 1@P15 COM Problem 158. White to play. The attachment of Black 2 is a move used in special situations. It is a move contrary to the go principle of not attaching against attacking stones. But in this case, Black's corner is strong and he is not worried about eyes. Try to read five moves ahead. ENDCOM W 1 P16 USER CORRECT ANSWER ENDUSER COM Correct Answer. By bumping against Black with 1, White is looking for a way to make shape. ENDCOM B 2 O17 COM Black 2 is absolutely necessary. ENDCOM W 3 Q14 COM After that, White 3 ... ENDCOM B 4 Q16 W 5 O13 COM ... and 5 make good shape. <= ENDCOM VAR W 5 P13 COM Failure. White 5 here would create a heavy shape. <= ENDCOM ENDVAR