(; GM[1] SZ[19] AW[dd][dg][cn][dp][jp][no][nq][nr][oe] AB[oq][pp][pn][nm][qj][qd][oc][nd][id][fc] LB[nd:2][oe:1] C[Problem 156. White to play. When Black considers the top important, he will play 2. In that case, White will focus her attention on the right. Try to think a few moves ahead and give White a shape that is not heavy. ] (;W[pd] TE[2] C[Correct Answer. White must first play 1, ... ] ;B[pc];W[qe] C[... then 3. ] ;B[rd] (;W[pi];B[qi];W[ph];B[pj];W[ni];B[oj];W[mf] LB[qq:A] C[Up to 11, White makes a fine sabaki. Black has solidified his lower right side, but there still remains a white invasion at A. <= ] ) (;W[qh] C[Failure. White 5 is heavy. ] ;B[oi] TR[rd] C[Black launches an attach with 2 and this stone, in concert with the marked stone, will make it hard for White to get sabaki. <= ] )) (;W[qe] LB[pd:@] C[Failure. If you immediately attach with 1, neglecting to first play at @, ... ] ;B[pd] C[... Black will play 2 himself, ... ] ;W[pe];B[mf] C[... then jump out into the center with 4. White's three stones are heavy and almost without hope. <= ] ) )