EVENT BOARDSIZE 19 SETUP W D16 D13 C6 D4 K4 O5 O3 O2 P15 SETUP B P3 Q4 Q6 O7 R10 R16 P17 O16 J16 F17 MARK 2@O16 1@P15 COM Problem 156. White to play. When Black considers the top important, he will play 2. In that case, White will focus her attention on the right. Try to think a few moves ahead and give White a shape that is not heavy. ENDCOM W 1 Q16 USER CORRECT ANSWER ENDUSER COM Correct Answer. White must first play 1, ... ENDCOM VAR W 1 R15 MARK @@Q16 COM Failure. If you immediately attach with 1, neglecting to first play at @, ... ENDCOM B 2 Q16 COM ... Black will play 2 himself, ... ENDCOM W 3 Q15 B 4 N14 COM ... then jump out into the center with 4. White's three stones are heavy and almost without hope. <= ENDCOM ENDVAR B 2 Q17 W 3 R15 COM ... then 3. ENDCOM B 4 S16 W 5 Q11 VAR W 5 R12 COM Failure. White 5 is heavy. ENDCOM B 6 P11 MARK \t@S16 COM Black launches an attach with 2 and this stone, in concert with the marked stone, will make it hard for White to get sabaki. <= ENDCOM ENDVAR B 6 R11 W 7 Q12 B 8 Q10 W 9 O11 B 10 P10 W 11 N14 MARK A@R3 COM Up to 11, White makes a fine sabaki. Black has solidified his lower right side, but there still remains a white invasion at A. <= ENDCOM