(; GM[1] SZ[19] AW[dd][dg][cn][dp][jp][nq][nr][no][oe] AB[nm][pn][pp][oq][qj][pf][qd][oc][id][fc] LB[pf:2][oe:1] C[Problem 152. White to play. Black 2 is the usual answer to the capping move of White 1. White's next move in common sense, but there are many variations you must consider. ] ;W[nc] TE[2] C[Correct Answer. White should attach ... ] (;B[nb];W[ob] LB[nc:1] C[... and cut with 1 and 3. ] (;B[pb];W[od] (;B[oa] C[If Black captures with 6, ... ] ;W[pc] C[... White ataris with 7 and, ... ] ;B[ob] C[... after Black connects at 8, ... ] ;W[mc] C[... extends to 9. ] (;B[pd] C[Black defends with 10 and ... ] ;W[me] C[... White makes good shape with 11. This is a middle-game joseki. <= ] ) (;B[me] C[The vital point, but ... Before defending on the right, Black could play on the vital point with 10. ] ;W[le];B[mf];W[md] LB[le:11] C[After White 11 and 13, ... ] ;B[pd] LB[rb:B][qc:A] C[... Black must go back and defend with 14. This result is better for White than the on in the Correct Answer. If Black omits 14, the aji of White A - Black 14 - White B remains. <= ] ;W[lf])) (;B[pc] TR[od] C[Black connects. If Black connects with 6 in answer to the marked stone, ... ] ;W[mb] C[... White ataris with 7. ] ;B[oa] C[This is a good result for White, but she must be careful where she makes her next move. <= ] )) (;B[nd] C[Big profit. If Black is determined to get outside influence, the can play 4 ... ] ;W[mc];B[od] C[... and 6. ] ;W[pb] C[White gets a big profit at the top. This is not a good result for Black. <= ] )) (;B[od] C[Don't be afraid if Black pushes up ... ] ;W[nd];B[ne] LB[od:2] C[... and cuts with 2 and 4. ] ;W[me];B[nf];W[ld] LB[me:5] TR[oe] C[White makes sabaki with 5 and 7, fully using the marked stone. <= ] ) (;B[pc] C[Drawing back with 2 is a quiet move. ] ;W[me] LB[kc:A] C[However, after 3, White is satisfied because she has erased Black's moyo. Moreover, White can still aim at the extension of A. <= ] ) (;B[nd] C[If the ladder favours Black, ... ] ;W[od];B[pc] LB[nd:2] C[... 2 and 4 are strong moves. ] ;W[mc] C[White would have to extend to 5 and ... ] ;B[md] LB[mc:5][nd:2] C[... Black would push along at 6. White's position is not good. However, the ladder favours White here, so she would play 5 at 6 and capture the stone at 2. <= ] ) )