EVENT BOARDSIZE 19 SETUP W D16 D13 C6 D4 K4 O3 O2 O5 P15 SETUP B O7 Q6 Q4 P3 R10 Q14 R16 P17 J16 F17 MARK 2@Q14 1@P15 COM Problem 152. White to play. Black 2 is the usual answer to the capping move of White 1. White's next move in common sense, but there are many variations you must consider. ENDCOM W 1 O17 USER CORRECT ANSWER ENDUSER COM Correct Answer. White should attach ... ENDCOM B 2 O18 VAR B 2 P16 COM Don't be afraid if Black pushes up ... ENDCOM W 3 O16 B 4 O15 MARK 2@P16 COM ... and cuts with 2 and 4. ENDCOM W 5 N15 B 6 O14 W 7 M16 MARK \t@P15 5@N15 COM White makes sabaki with 5 and 7, fully using the marked stone. <= ENDCOM ENDVAR VAR B 2 Q17 COM Drawing back with 2 is a quiet move. ENDCOM W 3 N15 MARK A@L17 COM However, after 3, White is satisfied because she has erased Black's moyo. Moreover, White can still aim at the extension of A. <= ENDCOM ENDVAR VAR B 2 O16 COM If the ladder favours Black, ... ENDCOM W 3 P16 B 4 Q17 MARK 2@O16 COM ... 2 and 4 are strong moves. ENDCOM W 5 N17 COM White would have to extend to 5 and ... ENDCOM B 6 N16 MARK 5@N17 2@O16 COM ... Black would push along at 6. White's position is not good. However, the ladder favours White here, so she would play 5 at 6 and capture the stone at 2. <= ENDCOM ENDVAR W 3 P18 MARK 1@O17 COM ... and cut with 1 and 3. ENDCOM B 4 Q18 VAR B 4 O16 COM Big profit. If Black is determined to get outside influence, the can play 4 ... ENDCOM W 5 N17 B 6 P16 COM ... and 6. ENDCOM W 7 Q18 COM White gets a big profit at the top. This is not a good result for Black. <= ENDCOM ENDVAR W 5 P16 B 6 P19 COM If Black captures with 6, ... ENDCOM VAR B 6 Q17 MARK \t@P16 COM Black connects. If Black connects with 6 in answer to the marked stone, ... ENDCOM W 7 N18 COM ... White ataris with 7. ENDCOM B 8 P19 COM This is a good result for White, but she must be careful where she makes her next move. <= ENDCOM ENDVAR W 7 Q17 COM ... White ataris with 7 and, ... ENDCOM B 8 P18 COM ... after Black connects at 8, ... ENDCOM W 9 N17 COM ... extends to 9. ENDCOM B 10 Q16 COM Black defends with 10 and ... ENDCOM VAR B 10 N15 COM The vital point, but ... Before defending on the right, Black could play on the vital point with 10. ENDCOM W 11 M15 B 12 N14 W 13 N16 MARK 11@M15 COM After White 11 and 13, ... ENDCOM B 14 Q16 MARK B@S18 A@R17 COM ... Black must go back and defend with 14. This result is better for White than the on in the Correct Answer. If Black omits 14, the aji of White A - Black 14 - White B remains. <= ENDCOM W 15 M14 ENDVAR W 11 N15 COM ... White makes good shape with 11. This is a middle-game joseki. <= ENDCOM