(; GM[1] SZ[19] AW[dd][dg][cn][dp][jp][nq][no][nr] AB[nm][oq][pp][pn][qj][qd][oc][fc][id] LB[nr:2][oq:1][nm:3] C[Problem 150. White to play. Black maps out a huge moyo with 1 and 3. It is now urgent that White reduces the size of this moyo. Where is the weak point of Black's formation ? ] (;W[oe] LB[pd:B][nc:A] TE[2] C[Correct Answer. When Black has a tight small-knight enclosure with extensions on both sides, the weak point is White 1. Depending on how Black answers, White will make sabaki by playing at A of B. <= ] ) (;W[nd] C[Not applicable here. White plays 1 when she wants to erase the top. ] ;B[nc] C[In this case, Black would push with 2, ... ] ;W[ld];B[nf] LB[nd:1] C[... then cap with 4. This move is very severe, since it not only attacks White's two stones, but also expands Black's moyo on the right. Clearly, White 1 is not a good idea in this position. <= ] ) (;W[qh] C[The worst move. Invading with 1 gibes Black a target to attack. ] ;B[qf] C[Black first pincers with 2, ... ] ;W[oh];B[mh] C[... then caps with 4. Black is strong above and below, so it will be hard for White to escape. <= ] ) (;W[qe] C[A heavy shape. If White plays 1 ... ] ;B[pe];W[qf] LB[pe:2] C[... and 3, she is left with a heavy shape ... ] ;B[rd] LB[pe:2] TR[qj] C[... after Black 2 and 4. White cannot make a full extension down the side because of the presence of the marked stone. This is a terrible result for White. <= ] ) (;W[dc] C[An iron rule. Locally, White 1 is a good move, but ... ] ;B[oe] C[... Black then eliminates the weak point of his moyo by jumping to 2. When dealing with a moyo, the iron rule is 'Never let your opponent perfect his moyo.' <= ] ) )