(; GM[1] SZ[19] AW[bd][cf][ci][ic][lc][qf][qi] AB[cc][dd][fc][nc][pd][rd] C[Problem 149. White to play. Here is another tight black formation. Can White invade Black's corner and live ? ] (;W[qc] TE[2] C[Correct Answer. The moves from White 1 ... ] ;B[qd];W[ob];B[nb];W[oc];B[od];W[rc] C[... to 7 are all good, but Black is too strong here and ... ] ;B[pc];W[pb];B[rb] C[... White has no answer to Black 10. <= ] ) (;W[re] C[Alternative. Since White is unable to invade Black's corner, she should make this area as small as possible ... ] ;B[qc];W[nb];B[ob];W[nd] LB[re:1][nb:3] C[... by playing the forcing moves of 1, 3, and 5. <= ] ;B[oc]) )