(; GM[1] SZ[19] AW[db][fc][hd][jd][lc][qf][pf][pj] AB[cc][dd][cf][nc][nd][pd][qe] C[Problem 148. White to play. Black's formation is very tight. Is it possible for White to invade here ? ] ;W[qc] TE[2] C[Correct Answer. White's invasion at 1 is unreasonable. ] ;B[re] C[Black blocks at 2 and ... ] ;W[ob];B[nb] (;W[oc];B[od];W[rb];B[oa];W[pb];B[sc] C[... after Black 10 it is clear that White is dead. <= ] ) (;W[pb] C[Variation. If White draws back with 5, ... ] ;B[sb] C[... Black's killing move is at 6. From this diagram it is easy to see just how big Black's territory is. <= ] ) )