(; GM[1] SZ[19] AW[lc][pd][pc][ob][pa][rd][qe][qg][rf][qf] AB[dd][gc][pb][qb][rb][qc][qd][re][pe][pj] LB[rd:1] C[Problem 147. Black to play. Instead of playing 14 in Problem 144, White tries to take away Black's eyes in the corner with 1. How should Black respond ? ] ;B[oc] TE[2] C[Correct Answer. Black ataris with 1. ] ;W[od] C[White has no choice but to play 2, but ... ] ;B[nc] LB[nd:B][nb:A] C[... after Black 3, the points A and B become miai. Either way, Black will live. <= ] ) )