EVENT BOARDSIZE 19 SETUP W M17 Q16 Q17 P18 Q19 S16 R15 R13 S14 R14 SETUP B D16 G17 Q18 R18 S18 R17 R16 S15 Q15 Q10 MARK 1@S16 COM Problem 147. Black to play. Instead of playing 14 in Problem 144, White tries to take away Black's eyes in the corner with 1. How should Black respond ? ENDCOM B 1 P17 USER CORRECT ANSWER ENDUSER COM Correct Answer. Black ataris with 1. ENDCOM W 2 P16 COM White has no choice but to play 2, but ... ENDCOM B 3 O17 MARK B@O16 A@O18 COM ... after Black 3, the points A and B become miai. Either way, Black will live. <= ENDCOM