EVENT BOARDSIZE 19 SETUP W D18 F17 H16 K16 M17 R14 Q14 R11 SETUP B C17 D16 C14 N18 O16 Q16 R15 MARK \t@N18 COM Problem 145. White to play. The marked black stone does not adequately protect the corner. White still has a way to invade. ENDCOM W 1 R17 USER CORRECT ANSWER ENDUSER COM Correct Answer. First White invades at the 3-3 point, ... ENDCOM B 2 S15 VAR B 2 Q17 COM Variation. If Black 2 here, ... ENDCOM W 3 S15 COM ... White hanes at 3. <= ENDCOM ENDVAR VAR B 2 R16 W 3 P18 B 4 N17 W 5 Q17 B 6 P17 W 7 S18 ENDVAR W 3 P18 COM ... then slides to 3, threatening to link up to the white stones on the left. ENDCOM B 4 N17 COM When Black defends at 4, ... ENDCOM W 5 S18 COM ... White lives with 5. <= ENDCOM