(; GM[1] SZ[19] AW[pd][qg][lc] AB[dd][gc][pj] C[Problem 144. Black to play. The white formation is called 'kannon-biraki' in Japanese, meaning double-hinged doors. Such formations are defective and need an additional move to complete the territory they map out. Where should Black invade ? ] (;B[qc] TE[2] C[Correct Answer. When faced with this formation, invading at the 3-3 point and living in the corner with Black 1 is the biggest move. ] ;W[pc] C[Of course, White blocks from the wider side with 2. ] ;B[qd];W[qe];B[re];W[rf] LB[qe:4] C[White 4 and 6 are the strongest moves, but ... ] ;B[pe];W[qf];B[pb];W[ob];B[rb];W[pa];B[qb];W[nc];B[rd] C[... Black gets six points of territory after he connects with 15. <= ] ) (;B[pc] C[Failure. Attaching with 1 is not good. ] ;W[qc];B[oc];W[qb] LB[ic:A][oc:3][pc:1][qc:2] C[White takes the corner with 2 and 4, leaving Black's stones 1 and 3 heavy. White can still settle her stone at the top by extending to A. <= ] ) )