(; GM[1] SZ[19] AW[db][fc][hc][jc][qf][pf][qj] AB[cc][dd][df][lc][nd][pd][qe] C[Problem 143. White to play. Black's position here is much tighter. Where should White invade ? ] (;W[nb] TE[2] C[Correct Answer. Invading with 1 is a good move. ] (;B[pb] C[If Black defends the corner with 2, ... ] ;W[mc];B[md];W[lb] LB[mc:3] C[... White links up with 3 and 5. <= ] ) (;B[mc] C[Variation. If Black prevents White from linking up on the left by playing 2, ... ] ;W[qc] LB[mc:2][nb:1] C[... White plays on the 3-3 point with 3. With the exchange of 1 for 2 in place, this is an effective move. <= ] )) (;W[qc] TE[2] C[Correct Answer. A direct invasion here is also possible. <= ] ) )