(; GM[1] SZ[19] AW[cd][ed][ch][hc][qc][ob][pf][qf][qi] AB[cj][jc][nd][pd][qe][rd][oc] LB[oc:1] C[Problem 140.White to play. How does White respond to Black 1 ? ] ;W[rc] LB[qd:A] TE[2] C[Correct Answer. White 1 aims at A, ... ] (;B[rf] C[... so Black must defend with 2. ] ;W[nb] C[Next White extends to 3, ending the sequence in good shape. <= ] ) (;B[pb] C[Failure. Black 2 is unreasonable. ] ;W[qd];B[re];W[pe] LB[qd:3] C[White pushes through with 3 and 5, winning three black stones in a capturing race. <= ] ) )