(; GM[1] SZ[19] AW[cd][ed][hc][ch][qf][pf][qi][qc] AB[jc][cj][nd][pd][qe][rd] LB[rd:2][qc:1] C[Problem 137. White to play. This time Black responds with the diagonal move of 2. What should White do in this case ? ] (;W[ob] TE[2] C[Correct Answer. In this case, the knight move of White 1 is the only way. This move was criticised in Problem 125, but in this case it is good. <= ] ) (;W[oc] C[Failure. If White plays 1 ... ] ;B[od];W[nb] C[... and 3, ... ] ;B[pc];W[pb];B[nc];W[ob];B[rb] C[... the sequence continues up to 8. ] (;W[qb] C[If White connects at 9, ... ] ;B[rf] C[... Black plays 10. <= ] ) (;W[lc] C[If White 9 here, ... ] ;B[qb] C[... Black takes the corner with 10. Either way, Black ends up with a thick position. <= ] )) )