EVENT BOARDSIZE 19 SETUP W C16 E16 K17 N17 R14 Q14 P10 R10 R17 S17 SETUP B C10 P17 Q17 Q16 R15 S16 MARK D@S18 C@Q15 B@S15 A@R16 4@Q17 2@S16 3@S17 1@R17 COM Problem 135. White to play. The moves from White 1 to Black 4 have been played. White would like to play A - Black B - White C, but Black would then play a tesuji at D, capturing White's stones in the corner. How should White play ? ENDCOM W 1 S18 USER CORRECT ANSWER ENDUSER COM Correct Answer. White 1 is the vital point. ENDCOM B 2 S14 COM If Black defends his weakness by playing 2, ... ENDCOM VAR B 2 Q18 COM Failure. Black 2, trying to kill White, is a bad move. ENDCOM W 3 R16 COM White plays 3 and ... ENDCOM B 4 S15 W 5 Q15 COM ... cuts with 5, winning the capturing race in the corner by one move. <= ENDCOM ENDVAR W 3 Q18 B 4 P18 W 5 Q19 MARK 3@Q18 COM ... White lives in the corner with 3 and 5. <= ENDCOM