(; GM[1] SZ[19] AW[cd][ed][hc][ch][nc][oc][pb][qc][pf][qf][qi] AB[cj][jc][mc][pc][pd][od][nd][qe][re] LB[mc:4][pb:3][pc:2][nc:1] C[Problem 134. White to play. The moves from White 1 to Black 4 are a joseki. What is White's next move ? There are two correct answers. ] (;W[mb] TE[2] C[Correct Answer. The hane of White 1 is the usual answer. ] ;B[qb] C[Black cuts with 2 and ... ] ;W[ob] C[... White connects with 3. ] ;B[rc] C[Next, Black will play 4, taking the corner, and ... ] ;W[lc] C[... White will play 5. <= ] ) (;W[rb] TE[2] C[Correct Answer. White could also live in the corner by playing 1. ] ;B[mb] C[The exchange of 2 ... ] ;W[oa] LB[md:A] C[... for 3 is important. After this, White will aim to cut at A. <= ] ) )