(; GM[1] SZ[19] AW[cd][ed][jc][mc][qc][qf][pf][qj][oj] AB[oc][pd][qe][re][cj] LB[pb:B][ob:A][qc:1][re:2] C[Problem 132. White to play. In answer to White 1, Black 2 is also a strong move. If White next plays A, Black can make life with B. So how should White play ? ] ;W[pc] TE[2] C[Correct Answer. White plays 1, ... ] (;B[od] C[... forcing Black to connect at 2. ] ;W[ob] C[Now White can hane at 3 ... ] ;B[nb];W[pb];B[nc];W[rb] C[... and live with the moves to 7. <= ] ) (;B[ob] C[Failure. Black 2 is an overplay. ] ;W[od] C[White cuts with 3, and gets the advantage in the capturing race that follows. <= ] ) )