(; GM[1] SZ[19] AW[fc][fd][jc][qd][qe][of] AB[dd][ec][df][mc][pd][qc][rc][qg][qj] LB[qg:1] TR[of] C[Problem 130. White to play. After White plays the marked stone, Black attacks with 1. How does White handle this move ? ] ;W[od] TE[2] C[Correct Answer. Attaching at 1 is the correct move. ] (;B[oc];W[pe];B[pc];W[mf] C[White makes sabaki with the moves to 5. <= ] ) (;B[pe] C[Variation. If Black tries to push through with 2, ... ] ;W[pf] C[... White stops him with 3. ] ;B[pc] C[Black must connect with 4. ] ;W[qf] C[Next, White connects at 5. This result is not at all bad for her. <= ] ) )