(; GM[1] SZ[19] AW[cd][ed][jc][mc][qf][pf][qj][oj] AB[oc][pd][qe][cj] C[Problem 129. White to play. The shape of the black stones is called 'the three crows'. This is a very solid formation, but is still vulnerable to an invasion if White has built up strong positions in the vicinity. Where does White invade ? ] ;W[qc] TE[2] C[Correct Answer. White 1 is the vital point. ] (;B[qd] C[Black 2 is the severest response. ] ;W[pb];B[ob];W[rb];B[rd];W[qa];B[rc];W[pc];B[sb] C[After 10, ... ] ;W[od] LB[ra:A] C[... White cuts at 11, and the life or death of the stones in the corner depends on a ko starting at A. <= ] ) (;B[rd] C[Variation. If Black 2 here, ... ] ;W[rc];B[rf];W[ob];B[nb];W[pb];B[nc];W[mb];B[na];W[rb] C[... White easily lives with the moves to 11. <= ] ) )