(; GM[1] SZ[19] AW[cd][ed][hc][ch][qc][oc][qf][pf][qi] AB[jc][cj][od][nd][pd][qe][re] LB[od:1] TR[oc] C[Problem 128. White to play. Connecting with Black 1 is an obvious move. In response, White has two possibilities. Where are they ? ] (;W[nc] LB[nb:A] TE[2] C[Correct Answer. White can play either 1 or A. Both of these moves are joseki. <= ] ) (;W[pc] C[Failure. Connecting at 1 is heavy. ] ;B[nc] C[Black plays 2 and, ... ] (;W[nb];B[mb];W[oa] LB[nb:3] C[... after 3 and 5, ... ] ;B[pb];W[qb];B[sb] LB[pb:6] C[... kills White with 6 and 8. <= ] ) (;W[nb] TE[2] C[Correct Answer. Also correct. <= ] ) (;W[rb] C[White 3 here is better, she just manages to live. <= ] )) )