(; GM[1] SZ[19] AW[fc][fd][jc][qd][qe][pf][of] AB[dd][ec][df][mc][pd][pe][qc][rc][qf][qj] LB[qf:3][pf:2][pe:1] TR[of] C[Problem 127. White to play. After White plays the marked stone, Black pushes down and cuts with 1 and 3. What should White do ? ] ;W[qg] TE[2] C[Correct Answer. White should atari with 1, ... ] ;B[rf];W[od] C[... then attach at 3. ] (;B[pc];W[rg];B[re] C[After Black 6, ... ] ;W[oh] C[... White makes shape with 7. <= ] ) (;B[re] LB[od:3] C[Failure. If Black ignores White 3 and immediately goes after the two white stones with 4, ... ] ;W[oe];B[pc];W[oc] LB[od:5] C[... White plays 5 and 7, isolating the black stone at the top. <= ] ) )