EVENT BOARDSIZE 19 SETUP W F17 F16 K17 R16 R15 Q14 P14 SETUP B D16 E17 D14 N17 Q16 Q15 R17 S17 R14 R10 MARK 3@R14 2@Q14 1@Q15 \t@P14 COM Problem 127. White to play. After White plays the marked stone, Black pushes down and cuts with 1 and 3. What should White do ? ENDCOM W 1 R13 USER CORRECT ANSWER ENDUSER COM Correct Answer. White should atari with 1, ... ENDCOM B 2 S14 W 3 P16 COM ... then attach at 3. ENDCOM B 4 Q17 VAR B 4 S15 MARK 3@P16 COM Failure. If Black ignores White 3 and immediately goes after the two white stones with 4, ... ENDCOM W 5 P15 B 6 Q17 W 7 P17 MARK 5@P16 COM ... White plays 5 and 7, isolating the black stone at the top. <= ENDCOM ENDVAR W 5 S13 B 6 S15 COM After Black 6, ... ENDCOM W 7 P12 COM ... White makes shape with 7. <= ENDCOM