(; GM[1] SZ[19] AW[ch][cd][ed][hc][qc][qf][pf][qi] AB[cj][jc][nd][pd][qe][re] LB[re:1] TR[qc] C[Problem 125. White to play. Black 1 is a strong response to the invasion by the marked stone. Black intends to give White the corner and attack the right side. What is White's next move ? ] (;W[oc] LB[ob:A] TE[2] C[Correct Answer. Peeping at White 1 is a tesuji. As you will see in the Failure Diagram, White 1 at A is not good. <= ] ) (;W[ob] C[Failure. ] ;B[oc] LB[ob:1] C[Black 2 is a good response to White 1. ] (;W[nb] C[If White 3, ... ] ;B[pb] C[... Black plays 4 and takes the corner. <= ] ) (;W[pb] C[If White draws back to 3, ... ] ;B[nb] C[... Black blocks at 4. ] ;W[rb] C[White gets a small life. White's result is bad. <= ] )) )